Studio Legale Magnani
Italiano  English
Prof. Mariella Magnani
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Born in Lomello (Pavia), Prof. Atty. Magnani earned her degree in law with honours from the University of Pavia on  December 13,1972. She has been a member of the Bar Association since 1975 and is a certified litigator before the Italian Supreme Court. 

She started working as a researcher at the University of Pavia, and in 1986 was appointed Professor in Labour Law at the University of Turin. Since 1988 she has been a professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Pavia, where she continues to teach labour law.

She headed the Masters Program in Labour Law at Law Faculty of the University of Pavia. She was a member of the government commission in charge of drafting a "Statuto dei lavori"; the government commission for the social shock absorbers' reform, the government commission for countering in-work poverty.

From 2002 to 2009 she was a member of the government commission for the implementation of the law on strikes in the public sector.

Since 2013 she has been a member of the scientific committee of the Italian Labour Lawyers (Avvocati giuslavoristi italiani).

She was a member of the managing board of the Italian Association for Labour Law and Welfare (Associazione Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro e della Sicurezza Sociale).

Since 2013 she has been a member of AIGE (Associazione Italiana Giuristi Europei).

In addition to her professional activities, she also works in the field of research and publishing: she is the Italian correspondent for International Labour Law Reports (Kluwer); editor in chief of Quaderni di diritto del lavoro e delle relazioni industriali (Utet); co-director of Diritto delle Relazioni Industriali (Giuffrè); member of the managing board of Argomenti di Diritto del Lavoro (Cedam), member of the evaluation board of the Variazioni su temi di Diritto del Lavoro (Giappichelli).

She is currently a lecturer at the Law Faculty of the University of Rome, LUISS “Guido Carli”, since the 2018/2019 academic year.  

She is the author of numerous publications on industrial relations, labour and social security law.
consulenza del lavoro pubblico impiego